Sagittarius serpentarius


Order Falconiformes


Note: This family is represented by a single species and there is some discussion that this bird may be more closely related to the Cranes--Gruiformes--than the Falconiformes. 3 feet tall; wingspan up to 6.5 feet; 7.5-9 lbs. Blue gray beak; legs and feet dull flesh colored; claws black. Sexes are nearly alike: male often slightly smaller and a blue shade of grey with a longer crest and tail. A large grey and black terrestrial bird with very long stork-like legs and 2 very long projecting central tail feathers. Long, black -tipped plume feathers at back of the head resemble quill- style pens used by secretaries prior to the advent of
modern writing instruments.


Africa south of the Sahara.


Locally common but numbers are generally decreasing throughout most of its range. The international trade of this species is regulated by the law. Since it may become endangered without regulated trade.

Photo © James P. Rown Photography



Semi-arid savannas, grassplains and sub-deserts.
Eats insects, amphibians, snakes, lizards, some young birds and eggs, small ground rodents. Diurnal. Roosts and nests in thorny trees. Not normally gregarious, but pairs are often together for long periods.

Life History

Breeding occurs at different times, depending on the amount of food available. 1-3 eggs are laid in a large flat nest built of sticks with a grass-lined shallow depression. Male possibly incubates in addition to the female. Eggs hatch in about 6 wks, are fed by both parents. Young are covered in pale gray down and fledge at 2.5 - 3.5 mos.

Special Adaptations

  • Long legs and stubby toes enable it to walk steadily through the grassland, foraging and stamping to flush prey. They also are able to kill prey with swift, hard downward blows of the feet.
  • Curved, hooked beak allows it to carry prey to the nest since it can't grasp prey in its feet very well.
  • Broad wings enable it to fly and soar well, although it spends more time walking and running.
  • Strong beak enables it to take prey by a quick forward thrust of the head.
  • Legs are heavily armored against snake bites.